Fishing on Honolulu Creek 2004

Honolulu Creek is a small tributary of the Chulitna River system along the Parks Highway.  Honolulu Creek has runs of King, Silver and a few Pink Salmon.

This was Kevin's first King Salmon on a Fly Rod.
Kevin with King

Woody's first King These Salmon have come quite a distance up the Susitna, then Chulitna River to Honolulu Creek.

This spawned out King Salmon was pretty ugly, but it was Woody's first and he caught it on a Fly Rod.  We were both proud of the fish.

Behind these spawning Salmon come hungry Rainbow Trout scavenging for the stray eggs.

Kevin holds a 13 inch Rainbow that he caught with an Egg Pattern.
Kevin with Rainbow

Ben and nice Rainbow Honolulu Creek is the closest stream along the Parks that hosts wild Rainbow Trout to Fairbanks.  I try to visit a couple of times a year.

This is a fat 19 inch Rainbow that I hooked behind a pair of spawning King Salmon with an Egg Pattern.

Benjamin K. Baker
Copyright ©:  1999, Far North Management Corp.
(907) 488-6388
Revised -- 7 Aug 2005
3033 Taxilane A  North Pole AK  99705